Creating into Existence, Peek for Peeps into Madness , Addiction & Love
When we bring something into being we become Co Creators with the Universe.
In 2008 I heard Desmond Tutu at the Quest for Global Healing tell us, “You are all God Creators, now go Create God". Powerful words.
At our daughter’s funeral in 2012, her Dad, John gave a list of her accomplishments. A list of what she had created in her 37 short years. She was an Interior Decorator, a Fire Fighter, a Police Officer, a Business Owner, A Duke of Edinburgh recipient, A mother, A wife, to name but a few of what she had created for herself and others. She also suffered from Mental Illness. She was diagnosed with bi-polar five years before her death by suicide. John and I were aware of problems since she was 12 but at that time we thought it was normal for teenagers to react the way she had, no matter how extreme.
She was continually attempting to bring something into existence . Bringing forth what she did not see but knew existed in the heavens. Isn't that what being creative is? Bringing down from the heavens the God source in form? We forever want a closeness, oneness with the source and we attain that when we are allowing the juices of our passions ,our creativity to have us.
We want to experience Heaven on Earth. We desire to get closer to the beloved. We feel this intimacy when we are loving what we do, when we are breathing in the creative source and giving it form.
It can come through as painting, poetry, architect, policing, writing, athletics, cooking , style, yoga, dance, and much ,much,more. All this imaginative power can be very healing.
Once we stop creating we will no longer need to meet God, we have united with this source. Much like Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. We will be free to sit and just BE in peace. We will teach what we know, just as they did. We become one with divinity.
For some of us there is certain madness when in the process of creating. If not balanced, creating can lead us into temptation, into a feeling of self-doubt. We may sabotage our creations; find out there is no road leading us out of our crazies. There are many instances of this throughout history. Van Gogh, Hemingway, Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf are just a few examples. Edgar Allan Poe , died a mysteries death and some say his last words where,” Lord, help my poor soul”.
There are numerous ways to experience balance while we are being co-creators. I love the story about