The Ticker List, Peeks for Peeps , from ,365 Ways to Power Up Your Life
Do you have a Ticker List? That list of "to do's" before you are no more. Time is not real, we invent time to handle our lives day to day. One of the many things on my ticker list was to dance with Jully Black, a Canadian songwriter , musician. It happened , Nov 23, 2013. The beat of my heart with the beat of her rhythm . Start your own Ticker List. It can simply be: 1. bake a cake of your own ingredients using your imagination . 2. travel on your own, across oceans , the next village or across the city . 3. take a dancing class 4. play the Cello 5. sleep for 12 hours 6. be brave in Chaos You get the idea , Your Ticker list can be anything you can imagine now go DO it. YOU are a God/Goddess Creator , GO CREATE GOD
"Just for today, let the Spirit of a Ticker List have you"