Our Rhythm , Our Om

Mmmm , ahhhhhh, noooooo,okkkkk all add up to the eternal OMMMM This  is the sound of Amanda giving  birth. Sept 10, 2013, 6:47am, a highlight inmy life.

I delivered two children by cesarean section over 35 yrs ago so I was fast asleep during their delivery. I was not around to witness Melanie giving birth, although I heard she was in sync, a  beautiful  hymn, a rhythm , the eternal Om. This same sound came from me when I found out about her death in May of 2012. I named it ,giving birth to the death canal.

Watching Amanda give birth and holding space for her was hypnotic . There was a song emerging from her, a low hum that would rise up and then slow down. Finally at the moment of Zofia’s birth there is a second of fear followed by , Ommm .

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She is constantly in balance and rhythm.

She has the tummy of a two year old. She and only she knows when she is full . An hour later she is hungry. When I was raising my children because I was the adult, I thought I knew their needs.   I rushed them, angered them and tantrums arose.  I called it the terrible twos;perhaps it was a two year old fighting for her boundaries, her balance.

Patience is a gift and although my time is still full when I am with Tatiana, I stop and allow the moments to flow and be in rhythm.

I understand why in Asian countries, the grandparents are raising their children’s, children.Grandparents are not so busy making a living and rushing their kids out the door.  We have the nerve to ask, “why are kids these days on some type of drug to slow them down when it is us who has been speeding them up”.

We live in a culture of accumulating stuff,mortgages, cars, and wealth. Our children are our most valuable assets; they are the, “SPIRIT OF OUR TOMORROWS”.

If we want them to make good decisions for themselves, to be healthy citizen’s in our society,  to be loving , responsible ,develop their self esteem ,then we must do our part.

Slow down, , hear your Om.

Take a day off today to BE with your child. Not on your rules but theirs. Just for this day. They have much to teach you. They will show you how to stop and listen, how to know when you are hungry, when to go for a nap, when to play, when to cry, laugh and dance.

You will loose yourself in your own OMMMM.




A true Fairy Story


Your Song